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Exhibition on Vietnam-Russia friendship opens

Exhibition on Vietnam-Russia friendship opens
An exhibition highlighting the 65 years of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Russia kicked off at Ton Duc Thang Museum in Ho Chi Minh City on February 12. 
On display are more than 120 photos and documents presenting President Ho Chi Minh’s actions to consolidate and develop Vietnam’s friendship with the Soviet Union; the support of the Soviet Union in the past and Russia at present for Vietnam’s struggle for liberation and its nation-building and development process; and meetings and exchanges made by the leaders of the two countries. 
Speaking at the opening ceremony, Russian Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City Alexey Popov reaffirmed that over the past 65 years, the bilateral ties have been continuously consolidated with enhanced friendship and ensured mutual trust and respect. 
As comprehensive strategic partners, the two countries look to enjoy further cooperation. 
In 2015, Alexey Popov said that he will work to tighten the connections between Ho Chi Minh City and southern localities and Russia’s big cities in the light industry and seafood preservation. 
Russia will also grant roughly 2,000 scholarships for Vietnamese students to study abroad, he added. 
The exhibition will remain open until March 12.
Source: VNA/VOV

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