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'Europe Days 2015" is back to stage showcasing the richness of European culture

'Europe Days 2015" is back to stage showcasing the richness of European culture
Set to provide a bridge for cross-cultural exchange, the “Europe Days 2015” program will come back to open a window into the richness of the European Union’s different cultural traditions with a series of entertaining and intellectual activities.
Since its inception in 2004, the “Europe Days” program has gained resounding success and growing public attention, thus establishing itself as a prominent feature in the Vietnamese cultural calendar.
The “Europe Days” program celebrates Europe Day, 9 May, when the “Schuman Declaration” – the foundation for the beginning of what is the European Union today- was made in 1950. Since then, the EU has grown into a union of 28 Member States, which now unites the European continent in peace and ensures a level of prosperity and stability previously unknown in the history of Europe.
“Europe Day” is therefore the occasion for activities that bring Europe closer to its citizens and strengthen the many bonds that Europe has established with nations around the world, including Vietnam.
Speaking at a press conference about the program today, Ambassador – Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam Dr Franz Jessen said "Sixty five years have passed since the Schuman declaration.  Today Europe Day is an opportunity for all of us to commemorate past achievements and to look ahead at how we can shape our European future together. On 9 May, we also celebrate our anniversary with our partners around the world. In Vietnam there will be special celebrations, as the EU and Vietnam are celebration 25 years of diplomatic relations this year".
He added, "This year, the EU and Vietnam celebrate the 25th anniversary of the diplomatic relation. During the last 25 years, the relation has developed comprehensively and vividly. Beyond traditional political, trade and economic and development ties, public diplomacy exchanges play a vital role in bringing the EU closer Vietnamese citizens. The Europe Days program is the finest example of the public diplomacy. I am so delighted to see increasing public attention every year and expect it to continue this trend this year".
Highlights of the “Europe Days 2015” program in Vietnam include: Europe Day concert by The Red Sock Brassquintett from Germany; laser performance in Hanoi; European Literature event; European Food festival; Special Exhibition; European Film festival; Writing Contest; Film Concert...
Source: eeas.europa.eu/

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