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President Ho Chi Minh’s 125th birthday marked abroad

President Ho Chi Minh’s 125th birthday marked abroad
The 125th birth anniversary of the late President Ho Chi Minh (May 19) is being celebrated in numerous countries across the world.   
Vietnamese Ambassador to Germany Nguyen Thi Hoang Anh (Source: VNA)
On May 16, the Vietnamese Embassy and the Vietnamese community in Laos offered incenses to the leader at his monument in Xieng Vang village, Nongbok district, in Khammouane province.
Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Manh Hung recalled the time when President Ho Chi Minh lived and conducted revolutionary activities in Xieng Vang village.
He affirmed Vietnam’s determination to work with Laos to continually develop the Vietnam-Laos special friendship and comprehensive cooperation, which were nurtured by the late President, for national independence, peace, democracy, social progress, cooperation and development in the region and the world.
General Secretary of the Laos-Vietnam Friendship Association’s Central Committee Saikhong Sayyasin said that he is grateful for the contributions of the late leader and the Vietnamese Party, State and people to his country’s past struggle for national liberation, and its present nation-building and safeguarding cause.
He also announced that on May 19, his association will coordinate with the Vietnam-Laos and Thailand-Vietnam Friendship Associations to organise celebrations of the President’s 125th birthday to help people understand more about his operations in Laos and Thailand as well as his great contributions to the friendship among Vietnam, Laos and Thailand.
On May 15, the Vietnamese Embassy in Germany also held a ceremony to celebrate the late leader’s birthday, during which Ambassador Nguyen Thi Hoang Anh declared great gratitude for and pride of the President – the founder of modern Vietnam and the preeminent leader of all Vietnamese.
President Ho Chi Minh’s role in the country’s national construction and defence was highlighted at a ceremony jointly held on the same day by the Vietnamese Embassy in Cuba and the Organisation between the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America.
They also opened an exhibition introducing more than 40 large-sized photos and books on the President.
Photos featuring President Ho Chi Minh are also on display in Algeria and Ukraine.

Source: VNA

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