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Craft fruit artwork on General Giap wins gold prize at Southern Fruit Fest

Craft fruit artwork on General Giap wins gold prize at Southern Fruit Fest
A craft fruit artwork entitled 'From Dien Bien Phu to the Great Victory of 1975 spring, Vo Nguyen Giap - Forever in our hearts' by artisan Phan Hong Dung won the gold prize at of the Contest on craft fruit art held within the framework of the 2015 Southern Fruit Festival at the Suoi Tien Tourist Park in Ho Chi Minh City. 
The awards ceremony was held at the park on June 20 by the Ho Chi Minh City's Department of Tourism in co-ordination with the municipal Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.
This year's contest saw three gold prizes which went to artisans Nguyen Van Hoai, Nguyen Thanh Co and Phan Hong Dung who all created craft fruit artworks featuring the love for the nation and people.
The contest received some 600 craft fruit artworks and items from 1,000 farmer households in 21 cities and provinces.
The 2015 Southern Fruit Festival attracted the participation of more than 620 farmer households who displayed more than 600 types of fruit from 14 provinces.
The highlight of the festival was a floating fruit market with 50 boats selling more than 150 kinds of fruit sold at 20-40% cheaper than the market price.
Since the launch of the festival in early June, about 400 tonnes of fruit have been sold, up 15% compared to 2014.
The annual festival, which was organised for the first time in 2004, will last until late August.
Source: NDO

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