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Go Diving and Camping at the magnificent Binh Ba Island

Go Diving and Camping at the magnificent Binh Ba Island
Treat yourself a weekend get-away at the sunny and seductive beaches of Binh Ba Island.  
The Binh Ba Island is on Cam Binh town, Cam Ranh City, Khanh Hoa Province.  It is a small island which is as the waving and windy barrier wall for the overall waist of the Cam Ranh Bay. Not too familiar with tourist service, the island remains a hidden treasure with its isolated white-sand beaches and crystal clear blue water.
To come to the island, the boat on Ba Ngoi Port (5km away from Cam Ranh Station) runs 4 trips a day, departing from the port at 7:00, 10:00, 13:00 and 16:00 and arriving at 5:00, 9:00, 12:00 and 16:30 each day. 
Do not expect to find any resort or standard hotel in Binh Ba. Instead, you can choose between hostels, homestay or outdoor camping. For many, spending your night on the beach, under the stars and listening to the sound of waves is the most wonderful experience. Home to about 5,000 locals who earn their living by fishing, seafood processing and farming; the island offers its visitors fresh and delicious seafood, especially lobsters. . If you want a seafood barbecue, remember to book and negotiate to rent a stove, bowls, spoons, etc.  
Nom Beach is the most beautiful beach on the island, having a bow back sand beach with the gigantic stones on the two top sides. You will be pleasure in the blue beach stretching out to the skyline.
Nha Cu Beach has dense coral. Take your diving eyeglasses, just bow your body into the water will be a scene of a beautiful ocean with a group of colorful fishes in the beach.
Chuong Beach is an ideal place to watch the sunrise on the island. The sun progressively rises, a red covering the sky creating a mystery moments.
Want to take a break from sun, wind and sea? You are welcome to join the locals at their daily markets where trying local snacks is a must; or spend time to visit other famous places, such as Ngu Hanh Tomb and Binh Ba Communal House where some war relics are displayed.

Source: Cinet

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