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Summary of Deputy Minister at seminar “Managing world cultural and natural heritage in Vietnam"

Summary of Deputy Minister at seminar “Managing world cultural and natural heritage in Vietnam"
Informing a summary No.2624/TB-BVHTTDL of Deputy Minister Dang Thi Bich Lien at the seminar “Managing  world cultural and natural heritage in Vietnam".
Accordingly, the up-coming time, some orientations as follows:
- Enhancing to build and supplement some legal documents at the central and local level in terms of management and protection of world natural and cultural heritages according the reality. In 2015, the Minsitry submits to the Government to promulgate Regulation about managing and protecting values of world natural and cultural heritage in Vietnam.
Center to manage world heritage to carryout some tasks as follows: Continuing to implement some tasks in Regulation No.1744/TB-BVHTTDL; building some component projects and plan to implement in 2016-2020 periods, submit to the functional agency for an approval in June; implementing to organize a machine to manage world management; enhancing to study and increase more competences for experts in terms of world heritage mantainence and development; fulfilling Plan to establish “ Management Plan for some heritages at Hoi An ancient city, My Son relic, enhancing to propagnadize world heritage; associatiing with some tourism agencies and travel agency to build new product for people in locality; continue to enhance and develop some activities of the heritage club; making report to Minsitry of Culture, Sports and Tourism about participate into annual seminar of the world heritage committee.

Source: Cinet

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